
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Zhang, Takahashi, Liao, Ghazanfar, Elemans2019Vocal state change through laryngeal development
Zürcher, Willems, Burkart2019Are dialects socially learned in marmoset monkeys? Evidence from translocation experiments
Adams, Kitchen2018Experimental evidence that titi and saki monkey alarm calls deter an ambush predator
Adret, Dingess, Caselli, Vermeer, Martínez, Amancio, van Kuijk, Lineros, Wallace, Fernandez-Duque, Di Fiore2018Duetting Patterns of Titi Monkeys (Primates, Pitheciidae: Callicebinae) and Relationships with Phylogeny
Belyk, Schultz, Correia, Beal, Kotz2019Whistling shares a common tongue with speech: bioacoustics from real-time MRI of the human vocal tract
Bensoussan, Tigeot, Lemasson, Meunier-Salaün, Tallet2018Domestic piglets (Sus scrofa domestica) are attentive to human voice and able to discriminate some prosodic features
Bouchet, Koda, Lemasson2017Age-dependent change in attention paid to vocal exchange rules in Japanese macaques
Bowling, Garcia, Dunn, Ruprecht, Stewart, Frommolt, Fitch2017Body size and vocalization in primates and carnivores
Brown, Waser2017Primate Habitat Acoustics
Burton, Ramachandran2018Neuronal frequency selectivity in the inferior colliculus and cochlear nucleus of the awake behaving macaque monkey
Clink, Ahmad, Klinck2020Brevity is not a universal in animal communication: evidence for compression depends on the unit of analysis in small ape vocalizations
Eliades, Tsunada2018From behavior to physiology and back again: The role of auditory cortex in vocal production and control
Enari, Enari, Okuda, Maruyama, Okuda2019An evaluation of the efficiency of passive acoustic monitoring in detecting deer and primates in comparison with camera traps
Fröhlich, Müller, Zeiträg, Wittig, Pika2017Gestural development of chimpanzees in the wild: the impact of interactional experience
Goerlitz, Siemers2007Sensory ecology of prey rustling sounds: acoustical features and their classification by wild Grey Mouse Lemurs
Briseno-Jaramillo, Ramos-Fernández, Palacios-Romo, Sosa-López, Lemasson2018Age and social affinity effects on contact call interactions in free-ranging spider monkeys
Katsu, Yamada, Okanoya, Nakamichi2018Temporal adjustment of short calls according to a partner during vocal turn-taking in Japanese macaques
Kean, Tiddi, Fahy, Heistermann, Schino, Wheeler2017Feeling anxious? The mechanisms of vocal deception in tufted capuchin monkeys
Kessler, Radespiel, Hasiniaina, Leliveld, Nash, Zimmermann2014Modeling the origins of mammalian sociality: moderate evidence for matrilineal signatures in mouse lemur vocalizations.
Lau, Clink, Bales2020Individuality in the vocalizations of infant and adult coppery titi monkeys ( Plecturocebus cupreus )
Mayer1971Gruppenverhalten von Totenkopfaffen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kommunikationstheorie
Muir, Barnett, Svensson2020The Vocal Repertoire of Golden-Faced Sakis, Pithecia chrysocephala, and the Relationship Between Context and Call Structure
Parsons, LeBeau, Kringelbach, Young2019Pawsitively sad: pet-owners are more sensitive to negative emotion in animal distress vocalizations
Schötz2019Phonetic Variation in Cat–Human Communication
Piel2018Temporal patterns of chimpanzee loud calls in the Issa Valley, Tanzania: Evidence of nocturnal acoustic behavior in wild chimpanzees
Pomberger, Hage2018Semi-chronic laminar recordings in the brainstem of behaving marmoset monkeys
Pomberger, Risueno-Segovia, Gultekin, Dohmen, Hage2019Cognitive control of complex motor behavior in marmoset monkeys
Raine, Pisanski, Reby2017Tennis grunts communicate acoustic cues to sex and contest outcome
Riondato, Gamba, Tan, Niu, Narins, Yang, Giacoma2021Allometric escape and acoustic signal features facilitate high-frequency communication in an endemic Chinese primate
Robakis, Watsa, Erkenswick2018Classification of producer characteristics in primate long calls using neural networks
Schwartz, Engelberg, Gouzoules2019Was That a Scream? Listener Agreement and Major Distinguishing Acoustic Features
Seiler, Schwitzer2015Call Repertoire of the Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur, Lepilemur sahamalazensis
Sperber, Werner, Kappeler, Fichtel2017Grunt to go-Vocal coordination of group movements in redfronted lemurs
Amento, Hill, Terveen2002The sound of one hand
Torti, Valente, De Gregorio, Comazzi, Miaretsoa, Ratsimbazafy, Giacoma, Gamba2018Call and be counted! Can we reliably estimate the number of callers in the indri's (Indri indri) song?
Vu, Doherty2021Using bioacoustics to monitor gibbons
Vu, Tran2019An Application of Autonomous Recorders for Gibbon Monitoring
Šebesta, Kleisner, Tureček, Kočnar, Akoko, Třebický, Havlíček2017Voices of Africa: acoustic predictors of human male vocal attractiveness
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith