
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Dias, de Mira-Mendes, Souza-Costa, Juncá, Solé2017The advertisement call and comments on the distribution of Eleutherodactylus bilineatus Bokermann, 1975, an endemic frog of Bahia State, Brazil (Amphibia, Anura)
Dias, Chamorro-Rengifo, Solé2017Is it a bird, is it a frog or a bush cricket? On an enigmatic nocturnal calling song recorded at different locations in southern Bahia, Brazil (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Paracycloptera grandifolia )
Diepstraten, Kuenbou, Willie2022Methods to measure biological sounds and assess their drivers in a tropical forest
Dietrich, Schwenker, Palm2003Multiple Classifier Systems for the Recognition of Orthoptera Songs
Divyapriya, Pramod2019Ornithophony in the soundscape of Anaikatty Hills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Dobai, Sivalinghem, Guedes, Yack2017Acoustic communication in the pine engraver bark beetle: do signals vary between behavioural contexts?
Doherty1985Temperature Coupling and ‘Trade-Off’ Phenomena in the Acoustic Communication System of the Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer (Gryllidae)
Dombroski, Parks, Groch, Flores, Sousa-lima2017Upcall production by southern right whale ( Eubalaena australis) mother-calf pairs may be independent of diel period in a nursery area
Dong, Vicente, Chintauan-Marquier, Ramadi, Dettai, Robillard2017Complete mitochondrial genome and taxonomic revision of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007 (Gryllidae: Eneopterinae: Lebinthini)
Dookie, Young, Lamothe, Schoenle, Yack2017Why do caterpillars whistle at birds? Insect defence sounds startle avian predators
Doolan1981Male spacing and the influence of female courtship behaviour in the bladder cicada, Cystosoma saundersii Westwood
Doolan, Pollack1985Phonotactic specificity of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus: intensity-dependent selectivity for temporal parameters of the stimulus
Dooley, Brown2019The quantitative relation between ambient soundscapes and landscape development intensity in North Central Florida
Dorado-Correa, Goerlitz, Siemers2013Interspecific acoustic recognition in two European bat communities
Dowdy, Conner2019Characteristics of tiger moth (Erebidae: Arctiinae) anti-bat sounds can be predicted from tymbal morphology
Dreiss, Ducouret, Ruppli, Rossier, Hernandez, Falourd, Marmaroli, Cazau, Lissek, Roulin2017No need to shout: Effect of signal loudness on sibling communication in barn owls Tyto alba
Driessen2018The life cycle of a southern hemisphere cricket Bobilla poene (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and variation in its size, sex ratio and egg production
Dring1987Bornean treefrogs of the genus Philatus (Rhacophoridae)
Dring1984Some new frogs from Sarawak
Dring1983Frogs of the genus Leptobrachella (Pelobatidae)
Dring1978Dring Mulu Notebook 1: Base Camp, Camp I, Camp II
Duarte, Melo, Scarpelli, Carvalho, Padovese, Bazzoli, Rizzo2018Effects of hydroelectric turbine noise on the behaviour of Leporinus taeniatus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) in captivity
Duarte, Caliari, Scarpelli, Lobregat, Young, Sousa-lima2019Effects of mining truck traffic on cricket calling activity
Ducouret, Dreiss, Gémard, Falourd, Roulin2018Barn owl nestlings vocally escalate when interrupted by a sibling: evidence from an interactive playback experiment
Duffield, Hampton, Houslay, Hunt, Rapkin, Sakaluk, Sadd2018Age-dependent variation in the terminal investment threshold in male crickets
Dunlop2018Potential changes in the communication space of humpback whale social sounds in increasing wind and vessel-dominated noise
Dunn, Claridge, Durban, Shaffer, Moretti, Tyack, Rendell2017Insights into Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) echolocation ontogeny from recordings of mother-calf pairs
Dutta, Reddy, Tregenza2019Discovery of an acoustically locating parasitoid with a potential role in divergence of song types among sympatric populations of the bush cricket Mecopoda elongata
Eberhard, Metze, Küpper2019Causes of variability in male vibratory signals and the role of female choice in Mantophasmatodea
Egert-Berg, Hurme, Greif, Goldstein, Harten, M., Flores-Martínez, Valdés, Johnston, Eitan, Borissov, Shipley, Medellin, Wilkinson, Goerlitz, Yovel2018Resource Ephemerality Drives Social Foraging in Bats
Eisner, Popov1978Neuroethology of Acoustic Communication
Eitan, Kosa, Yovel2019Sensory gaze stabilization in echolocating bats
Bergler, Schmitt, Cheng, Schröter, Maier, Barth, Weber, Nöth2019Deep Representation Learning for Orca Call Type Classification
Eliades, Tsunada2018From behavior to physiology and back again: The role of auditory cortex in vocal production and control
Elie, Theunissen2018Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type
Elie, Theunissen2016The vocal repertoire of the domesticated zebra finch: a data-driven approach to decipher the information-bearing acoustic features of communication signals
Elise, Bailly, Urbina-Barreto, Mou-Tham, Chiroleu, Vigliola, Robbins, J. Bruggemann2019An optimised passive acoustic sampling scheme to discriminate among coral reefs’ ecological states
Elise, Urbina-Barreto, Pinel, Mahamadaly, Bureau, Penin, Adjeroud, Kulbicki, J. Bruggemann2019Assessing key ecosystem functions through soundscapes: A new perspective from coral reefs
Emmerson, Spencer, Brown2019Social experience during adolescence in female rats increases 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adulthood, without affecting anxiety‐like behavior
Enari, Enari, Okuda, Maruyama, Okuda2019An evaluation of the efficiency of passive acoustic monitoring in detecting deer and primates in comparison with camera traps
Endo, Takanashi, Mukai, Numata2019Egg-Cracking Vibration as a Cue for Stink Bug Siblings to Synchronize Hatching
Epp, Davoren2018Investigation of the context of humpback whale non-song calls in the North Atlantic
Erregger2018Anthropogenic calling sites boost the sound amplitude of advertisement calls produced by a tropical cricket
Erregger, R. Hennig2018The ‘hot male’ hypothesis: do female crickets prefer males with increased body temperature in mate choice scenarios?
Esfahanian, Erdol, Gerstein, Zhuang2017Two-stage detection of north Atlantic right whale upcalls using local binary patterns and machine learning algorithms
Ewart, Popple, Hill2017Five new species of grass cicadas in the genus Graminitigrina (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae: Cicadettini) from Queensland and Northern Territory, Australia: comparative morphology, songs, behaviour and distributions
Ewing1989Arthropod Bioacoustics: Neurobiology and Behaviour
Farooqi, Usmani2018Review of genus Conocephalus Thunberg, 1815 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) with one new species from India


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith