Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Vertical Tabs BasicProject: User ContributionsSpecies: Stethophyma grossumSpecimen: NHMUK - BMNH(E) - 010211299 SourceOriginal Metadata Image: 20180503141820.jpg RecordingRecorded by: Dr David R. RaggeDate Recorded: Sunday, August 18, 1974Local time: 1315 ConditionsTemperature Initial (Celsius): 21.00Temperature FInal (Celsius): 21.00Air Movement: Light breezeLight: Mostly dullSubstrate/Cage: On ruch stem EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Microphone & Power Supply: AKG D202 (-20dB at 50Hz) RecorderRecorder: Uher 4200Power Supply: Z 214Peak Meter Reading: Several 'cuts'. First song gave no meter deflection and so gain was increased for remaining songs; there was then a small deflectionGain Control Position: Several 'cuts'. First song gave no meter deflection and so gain was increased for remaining songs; there was then a small deflectionTape: BASF LP35Tape Speed (cm/s): 19.00Track(s): 1/2 upper AnalysisOriginal Trace Images: 20180503141854.jpg 20180503141913.jpg 20180503141931.jpg RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: