New data on the "silver-bell cricket" (Orthoptera, Gryllidae), a forgotten and overlooked cricket subject to a high risk of extinction in western Europe

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:Cordero, Llorente
Pagination:171 - 180
Date Published:Sep-25-20082263
Keywords:arid land, Castilla-La Mancha, disjunct distribution, extinction risk, Gryllodinus kerkennensis, hiper-saline lagoons

Gryllodinus kerkennensis (Finot, 1893) presents a disjunct distribution in the Southern part of the Western Palearctic from North Africa up to Central Asia inhabiting arid, semidesert or desert land mostly associated with saline soils near water sources of lagoons or river beds depressions. The species was not recorded in Western Europe (Iberian Peninsula) since 1936 and up to now it is currently excluded from all red list books for Orthopteran conservation. In this paper we report a few and localised populations of this cricket in Castilla-La Mancha inhabiting sandy shores of hiper-saline lagoons. We also provide information on its biometrics, phenology, ecology and behaviour including data of all collection specimens of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN). Because of its audible and particular song, we propose campaigns of night listening points to search for this species in other potential sites where it could be present. We believe that this species may be subject to a high risk of extinction in the Iberian Peninsula, and thus in the whole Western Europe. This is because of their restricted populations and the fragility of its specific habitat. We propose an urgent integral protection and the inclusion of the species in the lists of highly endangered invertebrate species.

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