Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2018 |
Autoren: | Branstetter, Deakos, Jenkins, Balmer, Ness, Cartwright |
Journal: | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America |
Volume: | 144 |
Problem: | 3 |
Pagination: | 1953 - 1953 |
Date Published: | Jan-09-2018 |
ISSN: | 0001-4966 |
Zusammenfassung: | The frequency hearing range of mysticete cetaceans remains elusive despite a growing concern about the negative impacts of anthropogenic noise. A playback study was conducted in the Maui Nui region of Hawaii during March 2018. Stationary humpback whales (i.e., single singers or silent dyads) were targeted due to their predictable behavior that allowed for observations pre, during, and post-playback. Playback consisted of amplitude-modulated noise that was broadband, high-pass filtered, or 1/3 octave bandpass filtered. The animal’s motor behavior was recorded by video from a swimmer positioned above the animal. Acoustic playback and acquisition was performed from a small vessel approximately 41 m to 56 m from a targeted animal. A total of 16 playbacks were conducted with estimated received levels between 116 dB–138 dB RMS (re 1 μPa). Motor responses ranged from abruptly swimming away to subtle fluke movements with a median response latency of 1.7 sec (n = 7). Vocal responses ranged from abrupt song termination to unexpected changes in song unit pattern, with a median response latency of 2.94 sec (n = 8). This novel playback methodology was effective at producing and measuring motor and vocal responses to sound and may be useful in measuring the hearing range of mysticetes. |
URL: | |
DOI: | 10.1121/1.5068540 |
Short Title: | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America |
Acute motor and vocal response of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) to playback of amplitude-modulated noise: A method to test frequency range of hearing
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