Saga ephippigera


Totally, 28 records from six males were examined. The calling song consists of phrases (Figure 6B) with irregular intervals. Phrase durations vary between 0.15 and 0.42 s (0.21 ± 0.03) and each phrase contains 6–13 syllables (9.73 ± 1.14). The phrase begins with a characteristic and isolated first long hemisyllable, which has a longer duration and a higher amplitude according to remaining/ordinary hemisyllables in phrase. The isolated first long hemisyllable durations are variable within intra and inter-populations of species (Oltu: 14–33 ms; Ocak: 24–26 ms, Hazarbaba: 21–25 ms and Çelikhan: 25–30 ms). After isolate first long hemisyllable, the phrase continues with 6–9 lower amplitudes syllables (generally corresponds to 2/3 of phrase) and then continues with relatively higher amplitude syllables (Figure 6C). Oscillographic analyses show that syllable periods duration varies between 14.16 and 33.89 ms (23.11 ± 1.98), and each syllable shows approximately a standard structure which is formulated as soft and long opening hemisyllable + loud and short closing hemisyllable (Figure 6D). The opening hemisyllables duration varies between 12.00–19.06 ms (14.86 ± 1.33), while closing hemisyllable lasts for 5.00–16.30 ms (9.11 ± 1.58). The phrase ends with last hemi syllable, which has longer duration than the previous hemisyllables in phrase and its duration varies between 15.44 and 24.05 ms (20.97 ± 1.51). [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith