Platycleis tessellata
The male calling song was recorded at a relatively low temperature (17°C), after moulting to the adult stage at Hannover, and was some- what irregular ( g. 2). The quiet diplosyllables, each lasting for about 165-175 ms, are composed of an opening hemisyllable lasting for about 40 ms and a little louder closing hemisyllable, lasting for 100-120 ms, separated by a short interval of about 10 ms. The rate of repetition of the syllables was irregular, occuring at about 1-2/s, for long periods. The male calling songs recorded in france and spain reported by Ragge (1990) differ somewhat from those presented by schmidt (1989) for Italian individuals. [1]
- Martinho APaula, Paiva MRosa. THE SALTOPTERAN FAUNA OF PORTUGAL: NEW RECORDS AND BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS (ORTHOPTEROIDEA). Fragmenta Entomologica. 2009;41(1):15. Available at: