Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Vertical Tabs BasiqueProject: GCSC 4: Marshall et al 2016Species: "Redondo black"Philipsalta nigrinaSpecimen: University of Connecticut - C. Simon Lab working collection - 10.PH.DI.RED.01 RecordingLocation: Philippines: Dinagat Island: Mt KanbinlioDate Recorded: Vendredi, juillet 2, 2010 ConditionsExtraneous Noise: Recordist clicks back to the cicada after several of the song phrases. RightsLicense: CollectionsCollections: Other RepositoriesPublished Reference: Inflation of Molecular Clock Rates and Dates: Molecular Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Diversification of a Global Cicada Radiation from Australasia (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini)Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Camiguin of Mindanao Province and Dinagat Island in the Philippines, with a new genus and three new species Notes Species first described with manuscript name "Redondo Black" [1], subsequently described as Philipsalta nigrina [2]. ReferencesMarshall DC, Hill KBR, Moulds M, mfl. Inflation of Molecular Clock Rates and Dates: Molecular Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Diversification of a Global Cicada Radiation from Australasia (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini). Systematic Biology. 2016;65(1):16-34. Lee YJune, Marshall DC, Mohagan AB, Hill KBR. Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Camiguin of Mindanao Province and Dinagat Island in the Philippines, with a new genus and three new species. Zootaxa. 2016;4097(2):187. Available at: