Poecilimon Poecilimon mariannae, Poecilimon Poecilimon veluchianus


In the genus Poecilimon, only the closing movement of the wings produces a sound syllable. The two species examined have different song structures. In the poly-syllabic species P. mariannae, the chirp consists of 5±11 repeated syllables (9 ± 1 syllables, n = 12 males) with a total song duration around 600 ms. The song is produced at a mean rate of 0.4 Hz. With a mean song du- ration of 600 ms, the interchirp-interval (ICI) lasts for 1.9 s. In P. veluchianus, the whole chirp includes only one such syllable (monosyllabic) which has a duration of about 80 ms (n = 12 males). The song is repeated at the same rate of 0.4 Hz ( = every 2.5 s). The ICI, with a duration of 2.4 s is, on average, 0.5 s longer than in P. mariannae (Fig. 2). The duty cycle reaches 24% in P. mariannae and 3% in P. veluchianus. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith