Glossary beginning with B

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backward masking

"Overlap of background echoes with echoes from the target making it difficult for echolocating bats that do not use acoustic glints to detect the echoes from teh target." [1]



"courtship display, serenade." [1]


  1. Broughton WB. Glossarial Index. In: Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier; 1963.
bandpass filter

"A circuit (electronic or neuronal) which allows the transmission of a specific range of frequencies." [1]



"(1) music: rhythmic pulsation, as e.g. three beats to the bar, etc; Sotavalta extends for bird song as follows: the smallest rhythmic unit; a single rhythmic accent that can be repeated after successive intervals, regular or irregular. Between beats may be sub-beats of a differnet order.

(2) physics: the periodic vriations of amplitude resulting from the addition of two periodic quantities of the same kind but slightly different frequency." [1]


  1. Broughton WB. Glossarial Index. In: Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier; 1963.

"hybrid word; the correct form is disyallbic." [1]


  1. Broughton WB. Glossarial Index. In: Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier; 1963.

Synonyms: bisyllabic

binaural hearing

"Hearing with two ears. The counterpart is uniaural, not the hybrid monaural." [1]


  1. Broughton WB. Glossarial Index. In: Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier; 1963.

a collector and student of wildlife sounds [1] 


  1. Krause BL. Voices of the Wild. Yale University Press; 2015.

Synonyms: bio-acoustician


"The study of sounds living animals produce." [1]

"The science of sound-production and hearing in living organisms." [2]


  1. Krause BL. Voices of the Wild. Yale University Press; 2015.
  2. Ragge DR, Reynolds WJ. The Songs of the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Western Europe. Colchester, Essex: Harley Books; 1998.

Synonyms: bio-acoustics


"the collective sound produced by all living organisms that reside in a particular biome." [1]


  1. Krause BL. Voices of the Wild. Yale University Press; 2015.

To hum or buzz.

According to Oxford English Dictionary "Rare. Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.".


To buzz or hum.

build-up time

"The inteval of time that elapses between the instant when the envelope of a transmitted wave of specified frequency is first received, and the instant when it first attains a specified fraction of its steady-state magnitude. Hence for the animal emission: lapse time from the beginning of a given wave-train to the instant it attains its maximum amplitude." [1]


  1. Broughton WB. Glossarial Index. In: Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier; 1963.

Synonyms: building-up time

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith