
Auteursaflopend sorterenJaarTitel
Wierucka, Pitcher, Harcourt, Charrier2018Multimodal mother–offspring recognition: the relative importance of sensory cues in a colonial mammal
Adams, Kitchen2018Experimental evidence that titi and saki monkey alarm calls deter an ambush predator
Anichini, Frommolt2018To compete or not to compete: bushcricket song plasticity reveals male body condition and rival distance
Costelloe, Rubenstein2018Temporal structuring of vigilance behaviour by female Thomson's gazelles with hidden fawns
Crocker-Buta, Leary2018Hormonal and social correlates of courtship signal quality and behaviour in male green treefrogs
Ducouret, Dreiss, Gémard, Falourd, Roulin2018Barn owl nestlings vocally escalate when interrupted by a sibling: evidence from an interactive playback experiment
Erregger2018Anthropogenic calling sites boost the sound amplitude of advertisement calls produced by a tropical cricket
Erregger, R. Hennig2018The ‘hot male’ hypothesis: do female crickets prefer males with increased body temperature in mate choice scenarios?
Hemingway, Ryan, Page2018Cognitive constraints on optimal foraging in frog-eating bats
Huang, Metzner, Zhang, Wang, Luo, Sun, Jiang, Feng2018Acoustic similarity elicits responses to heterospecific distress calls in bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
Kahn, Moser-Purdy, Mennill2018Sing and do not stray: male rufous-and-white wrens use duets and physical behaviours to guard their mates
Konrad, Frasier, Rendell, Whitehead, Gero2018Kinship and association do not explain vocal repertoire variation among individual sperm whales or social units
Lubanga, Peters, Steinbauer2018Convenience polyandry and the role of lone and reciprocal calls in a psyllid
MacLeod, Brouwer2018Social context-dependent provisioning rules in red-winged fairy-wrens do not vary with signals of increased chick need
Olzer, Zuk2018Obligate, but not facultative, satellite males prefer the same male sexual signal characteristics as females
Parker, Greig, Nakagawa, Parra, Dalisio2018Subspecies status and methods explain strength of response to local versus foreign song by oscine birds in meta-analysis
Rose, Mathew, Coss, Lohr, Omland2018A new statistical method to test equivalence: an application in male and female eastern bluebird song
Sagot, Schöner, Jago, Razik, Chaverri2018The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding
Fernández-Vargas2018Presence of a potential competitor and its individual identity modulate ultrasonic vocalizations in male hamsters
Watson, Townsend, Range2018Wolf howls encode both sender- and context-specific information
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith