Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Verticale tabs BasisProject: Natural History Museum Sound ArchiveSpecies: Ephippiger cunii BronOriginal Metadata Image: 20141202115140.jpg RecordingLocation: Europe: France: Pyrenees-Orientales: near Saillagouse, 1km S of EyneRecorded by: W. J. ReynoldsDate Recorded: woensdag, september 22, 1976Local time: 1100 VoorwaardenTemperature Initial (Celsius): 11.00Temperature FInal (Celsius): 11.00Air Movement: variable windLight: watery sunExtraneous Noise: wind and other malesSubstrate/Cage: on broomBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: nearby males EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Microphone & Power Supply: AKG D202 (-20dB at 50 Hz)Distance from Subject (cm): 150Windshield: W10 RecorderRecorder: Uher 4000Power Supply: Z214Gain Control Position: 40%Tape: BASF LP35Tape Speed (cm/s): 19.00Track(s): 1/2 upper AnalysisOriginal Trace Images: 20141202115217.jpg 20141202115238.jpg 20141202115254.jpg RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: