
Authorssortera i fallande ordningÅrTitel
Bent, Ings2018Anthropogenic noise disrupts mate searching in Gryllus bimaculatus
Deoniziak, Osiejuk2019Habitat-related differences in song structure and complexity in a songbird with a large repertoire
Duarte, Melo, Scarpelli, Carvalho, Padovese, Bazzoli, Rizzo2018Effects of hydroelectric turbine noise on the behaviour of Leporinus taeniatus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) in captivity
Fouda, Wingfield, Fandel, Garrod, Hodge, Rice, Bailey2018Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise
Gallego-Abenza, Mathevon, Wheatcroft2019Experience modulates an insect’s response to anthropogenic noise
Geipel, Amin, Page, Halfwerk2019Does bat response to traffic noise support the misleading cue hypothesis?Abstract
Hubert, Neo, Winter, Slabbekoorn2019The role of ambient sound levels, signal-to-noise ratio, and stimulus pulse rate on behavioural disturbance of seabass in a net pen
Kleist, Guralnick, Cruz, Lowry, Francis2018Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community
Linke, Gifford, Desjonquères, Tonolla, Aubin, Barclay, Karaconstantis, Kennard, Rybak, Sueur2018Freshwater ecoacoustics as a tool for continuous ecosystem monitoring
Moseley, Phillips, Derryberry, Luther2019Evidence for differing trajectories of songs in urban and rural populations
Putland, Mensinger2019Exploring the soundscape of small freshwater lakes
Putland, Montgomery, Radford2018Ecology of fish hearing
Raynor, Harrison, Whalen, Smith, Schacht, Tyre, Benson, Brown, Powell2019Anthropogenic noise does not surpass land cover in explaining habitat selection of Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith