Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Вертикальні вкладки ОсновніProject: GCSC 4: Marshall et al 2016Species: "stubby red puer"Specimen: BioAcoustica - GCSC4 - 06.AU.VI.BNE.01 RecordingLocation: Australia: W of Nowa NowaDate Recorded: Четвер, Листопад 23, 2006 EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Filter: Filtered below 7 kHz. RightsLicense: CollectionsCollections: Other RepositoriesPublished Reference: Inflation of Molecular Clock Rates and Dates: Molecular Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Diversification of a Global Cicada Radiation from Australasia (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini)