Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub 垂直标签 基本Project: Natural History Museum Sound ArchiveSpecies: Mecopoda elongata 源Original Tape Number: 400bOriginal CD Number: 398Original CD Track Number: 4Original Verbatim Species: Mecopoda elongataOriginal Metadata Image: 20150407101514.jpg RecordingLocation: BMNH Acoustic LaboratoryRecorded by: W. J. ReynoldsDate Recorded: 星期三, 八月 26, 1981Reference Signal: 1 kHz for 10 s 条件Temperature Initial (Celsius): 28.00Temperature FInal (Celsius): 28.00Relative Humidity Initial (%): 50.00Relative Humidity Final (%): 50.00Air Movement: NilLight: Through observation windowSubstrate/Cage: Large recording cageBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: Another male and 2 females present in the cage but not near the singer. Lights turned out 5 minutes before recording. EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Microphone & Power Supply: Sennheiser MKH 405 RecorderRecorder: Kudelski Nagra (-17dB at 50Hz)Power Supply: ATN2/ QED750Peak Meter Reading: Cut1 - -15 to -20; cut 2 and cut 3 -25, Gain Control Position: Cut 1 - 105 to 110; cut 2 and 3 - 120Tape: BASF SP52Track(s): Full AnalysisOriginal Trace Images: 20150407101543.jpg 20150407101606.jpg 20150407101635.jpg RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: