Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub 垂直索引標籤 基本Species: Cyphoderris monstrosaSpecimen: NHMUK - BMNH(E) - 17? 來源Original Metadata Image: 20140722114043-1.jpg RecordingLocation: Kananaskis Field Laboratory, University of Calgary, Kananaskis Vallety, AlbertaRecorded by: G. K. MorrisDate Recorded: 星期三, 一月 1, 1975 條件Temperature Initial (Celsius): 22.10Temperature FInal (Celsius): 22.10Substrate/Cage: Screen cylinder cage with cardboard topBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: Calling song EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Microphone & Power Supply: Sennheiser MKH 804Distance from Subject (cm): 5Reflector: Uher 4000 RecorderTape: BASF LP 35Tape Speed (cm/s): 19.00Track(s): 1/2 AnalysisOriginal Trace Images: 20140722144014.jpg 20140722144039.jpg 20140722144112.jpg 20140722144140.jpg RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: