Omocestus Omocestus panteli


Ragge (1986) and schmidt (1999) reported the male calling song of this species from different sites where it was collected, either in spain or portugal.

The different song types are shown in  gs. 11 and 12. The male call- ing song is an echeme lasting for about 1.0-1.5/s and consisting of 28- 35 syllables repeated at the rate of about 20 syllables/s, at 30°C. Each echeme begins quietly, some times starting with a loud syllable and soon reaching maximum intensity. at the beginning some incomplete hemi- syllables were produced, after which syllable repeatition was similar dur- ing the course of the echeme.

The courtship song is quite different. sitting obliquely head-to-head the male stridulates intensively producing a quiet sound of a long mono- tone echeme, lasting for up to 6 s, and which is probably in uenced by temperature. At 17°C, 11 syllables/s were produced. In total, up to 74 syllables per echeme could be counted. its structure was similar to that of the calling song. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith