Megophrys panophrys rubrimera

General description: 

Advertisement call: Call descriptions are based on the calls of one paratype (AMS R177677) and two unvouchered individuals. Advertisement calls were recorded at 21.0–22.9 oC ambient temperature. Calls were an average of 73.3 ms (62–85 ms) in duration (Table 4; Fig. 6). Calls of unvouchered individual (b) contained an average of 23.05 pulses (19–25), whereas the calls of AMS R177677 and another unvouchered individual (a) were not distinctly pulsed. The average dominant frequency of calls was 3.3 kHz (3.2–3.4 kHz). Calls were repeated at a rate of approximately 3.25 (3.05–3.37) calls per second, and had an average intercall interval of 221.3 ms (190–261 ms). The number of calls within each call group ranged from 16–51, with an average of 38.7. Most call groups began at a relatively low amplitude, increasing with each call up to approximately a quarter to a third of the duration, after which amplitude remained relatively constant (Fig. 6A i–ii & B i–ii). Individual calls either began with a medium relative amplitude and peaked near the middle before declining towards the end (Fig. 6A iii), or peaked at the beginning, steadily declining throughout (Fig. 6B iii). [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith