Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2019 |
Authors: | Enari, Enari, Okuda, Maruyama, Okuda |
Journal: | Ecological Indicators |
音量: | 98 |
Pagination: | 753 - 762 |
Date Published: | Jan-03-2019 |
ISSN: | 1470160X |
关键词: | Cervus nippon, Ecoacoustic monitoring, Lag-phase management, Macaca fuscata, passive acoustic monitoring |
Abstract: | In recent years, camera traps have rapidly become popular for the large-scale monitoring of wildlife distributionand population; however, we should not ignore the uncertainty regarding the reliability of camera-basedmonitoring by inexperienced data gatherers. This study introduces passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) as aneasier technique for monitoring terrestrial mammals that uses the sound cues that they produce. To validate theefficacy of PAM, we quantitatively compared the detection areas and rates between sound cues (from PAM) andvisual cues (from camera traps) of two mammals—the sika deerCervus nipponand the Japanese macaqueMacacafuscata—across seven study sites in eastern Japan with different population densities. To collect sound cues, weset up multiple autonomous recording units at the sites and continuously recorded ambient sounds, following apre-determined schedule. The total recording time reached 9081 h for deer and 8235 h for macaques. We thenbuilt sound recognizers to automatically detect eight target call types from the recorded data. To collect visualcues, we also set multiple camera traps at the same sites and for the same observation periods. The keyfindingswere as follows: (1) the fully automated procedures that only used the recognizers to detect sound cues producednumerous false positive detections when the call type possessed vocal plasticity and variations; (2) the semi-automated procedures, which included an additional step to validate the automated detections by manualscreening, exhibited a great improvement in the detectability and recall rates of the half of the target calls,reaching > 0.70; (3) when using the semi-automated procedures, the frequency of deer and macaque detectionsper trap-day derived from the sound cues were in most cases approximately dozens of times and several times,respectively, higher than that derived from the visual cues; (4) the main advantage of PAM may be its superiordetection areas, which were 100–7000 times wider than those of camera traps; and (5) the current success of therecognition of different call types of each species could broaden the use of PAM, which is not possible for cameratraps. PAM could provide socio-behavioral data (i.e., the frequencies and types of inter-individual vocal com-munications) that could help understand the status of population dynamics and the group compositions, inaddition to information related to the presence or absence of species. |
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DOI: | 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.11.062 |
Short Title: | Ecological Indicators |
An evaluation of the efficiency of passive acoustic monitoring in detecting deer and primates in comparison with camera traps
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